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    Haunted by the memory of Walter Holderlin, a soldier he killed during World War I, French musician Paul Renard (Phillips Holmes) confesses to a priest (Frank Sheridan), who grants him absolution. Using the address on a letter he found on the dead man's body, Paul then travels to Germany to find his family.  As anti-French sentiment continues to permeate Germany, Dr. Holderlin (Lionel Barrymore) initially refuses to welcome Paul into his home, but changes his mind when his son's fiancée Elsa identifies him as the man who has been leaving flowers on Walter's grave. Rather than reveal the real connection between them, Paul tells the Holderlin family he was a friend of their son, who attended the same musical conservatory he did.  Although the hostile townspeople and local gossips disapprove, the Holderlins befriend Paul, who finds himself falling in love with Elsa (Nancy Carroll). When she shows Paul her former fiancé's bedroom, he becomes distraught and tells her the truth. She convinces him not to confess to Walter's parents, who have embraced him as their second son, and Paul agrees to forego easing his conscience and stays with his adopted family. Dr. Holderlin presents Walter's violin to Paul, who plays it while Elsa accompanies him on the piano.  The film's original title, The Man I Killed, was changed to The Fifth Commandment to avoid giving wrong impressions in the minds of the public about the character of the story. It ultimately was released as Broken Lullaby.


    • 3.0 已完结 禁区 杨地,高依依
    • 1.0 HD 应召女友 Farrah,Aviva,Lila,Klaiman,大卫·斯图尔特,Krystal,Vrba
    • 1.0 DVD 幕后激情 艾玛纽尔·塞尼耶,伊希尔·勒·贝斯柯
    • 7.0 正片 快餐快女 安娜·莱文,杰米·哈里斯,露易丝·拉塞尔
    • 4.0 更新HD 我们一起摇太阳 彭昱畅,李庚希,徐帆,高亚麟,刘丹,王迅,宋伊人,刘迅,李晨,杨玏,李建义,李晓川
    • 2.0 正片 情色游戏 马丁·休伊特,米歇尔·布林
    • 1.0 HD中字 嫌疑犯 罗伯特·德尼罗,安妮特·贝宁,乔治·温迪特,帕特丽夏·温迪
    • 3.0 正片 魔鬼二世 阿诺·施瓦辛格,丹尼·德维托,艾玛·汤普森,杰克·凯尔,梅根·卡瓦纳芙,凯思琳·查尔方特,马特伯尔曼,菲丽达·劳,朱迪·柯林斯,克里斯托弗·米洛尼,劳伦斯·蒂尔尼,玛丽·戈登·默里,伊拉·纽伯,弗兰克·兰格拉,马特·穆尔赫恩,John,Yang,詹姆斯·埃克豪斯,Ethan,Dampf,Amy,Chance,Brianna,McConnell,Ellen,McLaughlin,Brittany,McConnell,斯特凡·吉拉什,安娜·冈,John,Pinette,Monika,Schnarre,帕梅拉·
    • 10.0 正片 偷情宝鉴 王书麒,张绮桐,楼南光,谢依琳,周加如
    • 10.0 HD中字 我们的费尔斯特先生去世了 博胡什·扎霍尔斯基,Svatava,Hubeňáková
    • 5.0 HD中字 打铜锣、补锅1965 钟宜谆,李谷一,彭复光,凌国康,李小嘉
    • 7.0 HD 战争之王 尼古拉斯·凯奇,布丽姬·穆娜,杰瑞德·莱托,伊安·霍姆,伊桑·霍克,叶夫盖尼·拉扎列夫,伊默恩·沃克,塔尼特·菲尼克斯,Jared,Burke,David,Shumbris,杰里米·克鲁齐利,米哈伊尔·戈尔巴乔夫,阿金·奥莫托索,莉亚·科贝德,唐纳德·萨瑟兰,谢可·图克马尼安


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